The Vistas starts at $2,985,000 for our basic floor plan. The engineering team will provide a delta cost analysis for any customized feature you desire that may not be standard in the build process. Additionally, the architect will provide 8 hours of complementary time to work with you to accomplish your custom finish dreams.
Sunrise Association (Overall Development):
The Sunrise Association is a coveted neighborhood of Killington prized for its top of the line homes and condominiums.
Jeff Potter is the manager of sunrise and has all the bylaws and declarations for the association.
There is no separate buy-in fee to buy a property within the overall development. The quarterly dues: $1329/quarter – covers the common roads, sewer, water and other common infrastructure amenities.
Top Ridge
Top Ridge is the sub development under the Sunrise Association that the Vistas is located in. There is a 10’ exclusive use around each Vistas property to allow you to garden and have privacy, the rest of the land is managed by the Top Ridge Association. The quarterly dues: $1587/quarter - covers landscaping, waste pickup at provided community receptacles, and plowing.